Cristina & Hollis
Cristina speaks!
Here some excerpt from Cristina's interview.
This is from H-tiler, a San
Francisco Magazine.
It was made on the 9-28-95,
after the "Boss Hog" album.
Do you watch television?
What kind of shows do you watch?
I watch anything that has to do with Star Trek. I watch Seinfeld and the
Simpsons and Entertainment Tonight. I don't have cable...I'm easily addicted
to tv. I like it. It's an easy escape for me.
What did you think of the Simpson's season opener?
You know, the one where
it turns out Maggie shot the old guy.
Oh man. You totally just gave it away for me. I haven't seen it yet.
I'm so sorry! I thought you would have already seen it. I'm sorry.
That's so funny. Man. I can't watch tv regularly because of rehearsal
or touring or things like that . Mostly the shows I see are re-runs. Rarely
the first time around. I have to rely on syndication.
Are you aware of how many guys are crazy about you?
No. Call me and tell
me though. It gives me an ego boost.
That's nice, but I really don't run into those people. In New York city,
no one gives a fuck about who you are, so I operate under the assumption
that no one knows who I am. It's nice to hear that though. No body ever
approaches me at shows or anything.
Well, they're probably
scared to death of you.
Is that a good thing? Sometimes an interviewer will ask me about it, but
it's not really the case. One time I did have this male stalker. This
guy sent me like 3 letters a day for like 3 months. One day it just ended
in this violent letter where he threatened to kill me. And that was the
end of that.
How do you stay sane on tour?
We've never toured extensively
with Boss Hog. Like a week, a week and a half. Little spurts here and
there. We did a west coast tour, a Texas tour, a tour of the Midwest.
What happens within about 2 days, you start to hate everybody. You can't
stand the sight of anyone. Anyone speaking is really annoying to me. But
you get over it and it's smooth sailing. It's like delirium but the first
2 or 3 days are hell. This fall we're touring for 5 1/2 weeks and I can't
imagine it would be so rosy for 5 1/2 weeks... I'm renting 2 vans. So
I can escape from anyone who really annoys me.
So you are driving yourselves? No big fringe benefits?
Of course. I like to drive so part of the fun of touring is getting to
drive. Getting really tired, playing, driving...I'm still into working.
I don't need a cush bus yet.
So you're not rock stars yet?
Did you really work in
a Haggen-Daaz store with Henry Rollins? What is your favorite flavor of
ice cream??
It's totally untrue
that I worked at Haggen-Daaz with him. I did go to the Haggen-Daaz. It
was a legitimate punk rock hang out in Washington d.c. & I would go there
on a daily basis. Who wrote the bio was a friend of mine and he knew it
to be a punk rock hang out. He was trying to make legends of us because
we're all so terribly boring. I used to go there every day and order mocha
chip with jimmies.
you work out or have a personal trainer?
As if. No I don't... I have a lot of sex.
Are you registered to vote?
Will you vote for Perot
or Colin Powell?
How long have you been
with Jon?
It will be 10 years this December.
That's impressive. Does
he do things like dishes? Like regular guy stuff when you live with a
Jon's the only person...boyfriend...man... I've ever lived with and certainly
for this long, so I don't know if it's standard. Speaking with other women,
it seems the same issues come up a lot. Varying degrees of neatness. Jon
and I are both pretty anal, so it works out well. I'm a lot neater than
he is, but he's pretty neat, so I don't have any complaints that way.
He takes out the cat litter...how can you beat that?
How are you 2 with closet space? Does he get like 3 or 4 inches of the
closet and you get the rest?
No way. He's got more clothes than I do. I've got more shoes than he has,
but he has tons more clothes.
Do you consider yourself a role model at all?
I hope not. I don't think anyone should fuck up as bad as I have. I hope
people aspire do something higher than things that I do. I feel like I'm
still doing things that I want to do . A lot of what I do is very selfish.
I don't recommend it for everyone. You've got to do your own thing.
The original at: www.terravision.com/ht/int_boss.html
was taken from Bunnyhop.com.
The interviewer, a girl called Darby, seems to be intimate of Cristina.
The result is a friendly chat about breasts, Jon Spencer softness, plans
for the future and a tumor (benign).
I'm probably one of the
few people who haven't seen your...
...album covers. I imagine
from your personality that they're more hard and perky.
Well, they're pretty perky. You know, I don't have a lot of breasts.
I've got nice sized breasts.
They're not hard, they're soft.
Yeah, but I suppose when
they get past a certain point they'll get softer.
I'm not looking forward to that point.
Is your relationship soft
It's kinda personal. I just had to say that.
Is it also balanced with
the soft and hard edges?
Um, yes. Well, you know, it's a pretty tumultuous relationship. It's got
both. It's got everything.
What is the balance like.
I mean you seem hard on the outside and soft inside. What is he?
The same thing I would think. I think it's what really makes you attracted
to anyone. I mean, it's pretty narcissistic. It's just because they're
like yourself, and you recognize yourself in them. So I think why we're
attracted to each other is probably because we're exactly the same.
His soft and fluffy is buried a lot deeper than mine I think.
To me he seems softer on
the outside, and harder on the inside in a way.
He's a very polite person. It's layered. He's very polite and anything
more than polite he won't be. And then, once you get to know him real
well he's a very warm, sweet nice person.
Does he like soft & fluffy
He likes my breasts.
What does Jon refer to
them as? Boobies? Titties?
Ah no no no. Both of those are atrocious.
What do you call them?
Tits, yeah. Or you know when I'm talking about myself in mixed company
I'll say breasts. Usually I just say tits. I don't really say it that
And what are you?
I'm half Spanish and half Cuban. My dad is Cuban and my mother is Spanish.
Oh, whatta mix. Are you
going to have kids?
Yeah, I hope to. I don't have an official due date, but I hope to.
I'm 28 now, so maybe in a couple years, before it becomes an immediate
thing. I don't want my life to stop. I'd like to continue with Boss Hog
for a while, I'd like to handle it like Kim and Thurston did, but that
means you'd have to have a lot more money than I do now.
So you're making a conscious
effort? To make money so that can happen?
Not just that, rock and roll is a pretty transient thing right now, you
need to put yourself in the position where you don't have to worry about
the future. My family is by no means rich, but I have this money-making
ethic ingrained in me. I'm conscious of the fact I want to take care of
myself for the rest of my life. [...] I want to make sure I'm financially
stable, not just for the children, but also for the sake of living. I
don't want to end up as a waitress in Denny's for the rest of my life.
Although I have nothing against that, it's not my idea of what I'd like
to be doing at that age.
It would be a drag to still have those same petty financial concerns.
The luxury of money is an amazing thing, those who have a lot of it
are less concerned about it, where those who have less of it are more
concerned with it. [...]
I don't have a problem spending money, I have a problem with making enough
money to spend on what I want. I'm not frugal, I just want the cash flow
to always be there.
Do you have a controlling
Oh definitely. Being the youngest in the family where everything was
out of my control, I really needed to take control of something. I wanted
to be the decision-maker.
I can see where it's probably
a good thing especially now when the band's getting bigger.
Absolutely, only when it gets so big that I can't do it and enjoy myself
will I stop. At this point it's still manageable.
Next is a masseuse.
I can't imagine touring without getting massaged.
I have chu-ka, it's deep tissue massage. It's painful, but it really works
it out.
Good massage is more worthwhile
than sex in a lot of ways.
Really? Well it hasn't done that for me. Sex is the best muscle relaxant
for me, better than any pill. It's the best thing for my cramps. I can
take eight Advil and it doesn't come close to having sex.
I read the interview in
Alternative Press where you said something about a tumor. Is this a symbolic
thing or...?
No, I really do have a tumor. It's completely benign, it's a thyroid tumor
and it's pretty common in women who are about 40, but not in people my
age. I think it's because I took the pill before, and now I don't. Women
are likely to get them when they're pregnant, it's a hormonal surge-thing
that creates this fibrous tissue and it's in my uterus. So when I'm on
my period, what happens is your uterus contracts and cuts off the main
blood flow coming into it, and if there's a tumor there, it can't cramp
properly to close the line so it remains open and you lose about twice
as much blood. So you become anemic, but I take a lot of iron supplements
Is there anything you can do to break that down?
You can have it
removed, but that might create scar tissue, which may make it more difficult
to get pregnant. So since I'd like to do that one day, I'm living with
it, hopefully then when I have a baby, I can remove it then. Then there's
also the chance since I have the tumor, it will be harder for me to get
pregnant because it'll be harder for the egg to attach itself to the wall.
Right now, though, all I deal with is heavy flow periods, it's a drag
is what it is.
Is it some thing that even though it's benign, it can grow?
Absolutely, here
I'll draw it for you... There are different kinds. There's the mushroomy
kind, that grow into your uterus, and there's the ones that are really
bad that grow in-between the lining and inner layer. Those are bad. This
one is really easy because you can lance them and take them out
Isn't it strange how something so small...
Can cause so much pain? Yes it is. It's like fucking Texas.
Is this something that
happened a while ago?
I've had it about four years.
The pill is pretty evil.
Yeah it is. I think it's about ignorance. It's presented as this wonder
drug that will keep you from getting pregnant, which is a good thing because
I didn't want to get pregnant. There are other methods, but I think it
was the best thing at the time because otherwise I probably would've been
pregnant a lot. I mean for me sex is such a big thing, there's no way
I was gonna stop to roll on a condom, or put in a diaphragm, so it was
really the best thing for me at the time.
Original at: www.bunnyhop.com/BH7/BossHog/cristina.html